I live in America and I want a french penpal. Anyone want to be my penpal. If you can read this.?
2007-01-03 17:06:05 UTC
I live in America and I want a french penpal. Anyone want to be my penpal. If you can read this.?
Quinze réponses:
2007-01-03 17:43:08 UTC
I live in Canada but I'm half french and i can speak it (since grade 1) and i'm know in grade 8!
2007-01-04 02:30:33 UTC
With pleasure but how old are you?

A bientot mean see you soon
2007-01-03 20:14:29 UTC
Why not...
korrigan ...
2007-01-03 17:38:35 UTC
you can pass on my blog, i'd like to hear a bit more about you and your country.
2007-01-03 17:08:47 UTC
i can read this, but I think I'm too old to be your penpal ! (and lazy too !)

good luck anyway !
2016-12-15 13:52:41 UTC
hi every person ... i will help you pass over cuz i communicate 5 languages ( Arabic , French , English , turkish , japanies ) and a few Espagnol ... in case you opt for Hepl im right here , Kiss !!!
2007-01-05 13:38:40 UTC
Yes,i do. I'm living in america too,to California (los Angeles).
2007-01-04 10:53:35 UTC
ohhhhhhhh yes!i love americans!but how old are you?me 14.
2007-01-03 18:09:36 UTC
Hello me,

Looks you're kind of a brave man...:)

The Frenchies missed the train, they know it and they are bad loosers... Add a good left political wing who hates Bush and you'll get a melting pot in a very bad temper... They will eat you alive...

Don't worry about me, I'll never ask Bush to marry me but I don't hate him either... I'm not French :o)
2007-01-03 17:19:02 UTC
Well why not but I'm more a potential keyboard-pal. And I'm not so talkative.
2007-01-03 17:35:30 UTC
Hey Dude, that's not french... It might be Italian or spanish... If your looking for french penpal you will probably have more chance to find some on a Quebec (CANADA)website... (people ar more bilingual there that in France)

Good Luck
2007-01-03 17:13:44 UTC
pour ceux qui auraient pas compris penpal = correspondant!

sorry i'm not interested by it!
2007-01-03 17:12:47 UTC
Je parle pas americain mais parle tu un peux Français ou Italien?
2007-01-03 17:10:54 UTC
i've got a pen but what you need now is a pal,,, right?
2007-01-03 17:10:53 UTC

what is a penpal?

i live in BELGIQUE.

have a good night

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